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Download and Installation

The simplest way to install tons is to go to the releases page and download the latest version.

Download an installer that suits your OS, install the application and double click the executable file.

Obtain API keys

Go to the telegram bot: @tontech_dapp_bot (or @tontech_dapp_testnet_bot for testnet) and get your API key.

Copy and paste the key inside Config > API key menu.

For Developers

tons is a python package. All UIs (tons, tons-interactive, tons-gui) are included in the same package.

Use pip (python package manager) to install it

$ mkdir ~/my-ton-workdir/ && cd ~/my-ton-workdir/
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install tons
$ tons-interactive
[?] Pick command: Keystores
> Keystores


If you use an executable file, just download newer version from the releases page and replace current one.

For developers, to update tons with pip, run the following command

$ pip install -U tons