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Wallet entity is a record in a keystore file that has all required information to interact with a specific TON blockchain smart contract.


Create a single wallet


Or create multiple wallets


Later you can edit and view wallet's information



  1. Import wallet from tonkeeper by mnemonics (0:00)
  2. Create batch of wallets by prefix (0:32)
  3. Create batch of wallets by pattern (1:05)
  4. Get verbose information of a wallet (1:50)


Wallets support same CRUD operations

$ tons wallet create myMain \
--version v3r2 \
--workchain 0 \
--subwallet-id 698983191 \
--comment "My main secure wallet" \
--save-to-whitelist myMain

$ tons wallet edit myMain --name myMainOld

$ tons wallet delete myMain
Are you sure you want to delete v2wallet wallet? [y/N]: y

$ tons wallet get myMain
Raw address: 0:4fe5a10f96614daf8792dc3270db2742e17fe13ae9b0668a827098075524078d
Nonbounceable address: UQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjchT
Bounceable address: EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW
Version: v3r2
Workchain: 0
Subwallet id: 698983191
Comment: My main secure wallet
--- Verbose wallet information ---
address: EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW
contract_type: None
seqno: 1
state: Active
balance: 0.394748632
last_activity: 2022-10-07 08:58:00
code: te6cckEBAQEAcQAA3v8AIN0gggFMl7ohggEznLqxn3Gw7UTQ0x/THzHXC//jBOCk8mCDCNcYINMf0x/TH/gjE7vyY+1E0NMf0x/T/9FRMrryoVFEuvKiBPkBVBBV+RDyo/gAkyDXSpbTB9QC+wDo0QGkyMsfyx/L/8ntVBC9ba0=
data: te6cckEBAQEAKgAAUAAAAAEpqaMXz1s51azqoYZWn7ZR2NlTfwg7FABigSY991WpcgOjOlg2uqR/

List all wallets (can be redirected to .md file)

$ tons wallet list -v -c nanoton
| Name | Version | WC | Address | Comment | State | Balance |
| dev | v3r2 | 0 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | Development wallet | Active | 182.349713128 |
| masterchain | v3r2 | -1 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | None | Active | 0.328599221 |
| newTest | v3r2 | 0 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | | Active | 0.095227164 |
| testmsg | v3r2 | 0 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | None | Active | 0.394748632 |
| v2wallet | v2r2 | -1 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | None | Uninit | 0.0 |
| Total | | | | | | 183.16828814499996 |

$ tons wallet list -v >

Import wallet from mnemonic

$ tons wallet import-from-mnemonics importedWallet v4r2 0 "your 24 mnemo ... words" \
--subwallet-id 698983191 \
--comment "My imported wallet" \
--save-to-whitelist myImportedWallet

Init wallet (address must have some coins to be initialized)

$ tons wallet init myMain

Reveal a wallet mnemonics

$ tons wallet reveal myMain
Password []:
guitar border swap border actor history universe wrist width mask unveil again dentist tilt theory risk electric flash hat sentence essence able dice mammal

Export wallet to .addr and .pk files (e.g. to use in toncli development tool)

$ tons wallet to-addr-pk myMain ./destination/path/