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Quick start



  1. Create new keystore (0:00)
  2. Import existing wallet from mnemonics (0:24)
  3. Add whitelist contact (1:07)
  4. Transfer TON coins (1:36)


[OPTIONAL] Create .tons folder in the current directory, otherwise it will use global directory (see Config for more details)

tons init

Create a keystore

tons keystore new myFirstKeystore --password MY_SECRET

Set it as a current keystore

tons config tons.keystore_name myFirstKeystore

Import existing wallet from mnemonics (you can find your wallet version in you application settings. Usually it is v4r2)

tons wallet import-from-mnemonics pocketMoney v4r2 0 "YOUR MNEMONIC WORDS HERE" --save-to-whitelist myPocketMoney

You can check that it has been create by the list command

tons wallet list
| Name        | Version | WC |                     Address                      | Comment | State  | Balance |
| pocketMoney | v3r2 | 0 | EQCHt-689LLEeFw2hkOT8ZNE8dmuMJeTcnISScGujIk-Sx2W | None | Active | 1.0 |
| Total | | | | | | 1.0 |

Add a whitelist contact

tons whitelist add myBestFriend EQAqJuYmOYI_0C23atgYhQOcL4IHznWbCwUY0u4KOU3yRVEm

Transfer coins from the wallet to the contact

tons wallet transfer pocketMoney myBestFriend 0.1 --message "Happy birthday!" --wait